Clarkeprint and the Environment

When manufactured responsibly print is a extremely environmentally friendly communication medium. At Clarkeprint we place a great emphasis on ensuring that our processes and policies are environmentally responsible, both in concept and in practice. To achieve this we have implemented the following schemes and policies, you can read our official environmental policy here.

Two Sides run an anti-greenwash campaign, which aims to set the record straight by debunking many of the myths surrounding paper and print today, check out their Myths and Facts Booklet for further information.

FSC® Certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an international, non-governmental, organisation which helps to take care of forests and the people and wildlife who call them home by promotion responsible forest management. The FSC® certification system offers consumers confidence in identifying paper (and other wood based) products produced from well managed forests and/or recycled materials by maintaining a ‘chain of custody’ through all stages of production.

All of our ‘house’ paper stocks are FSC® certified and we inform clients who have requested non-FSC® papers of their choices.

If you would like to include the FSC® logo on your next print project please speak to your rep.

Licence number: FSC® C006433

Responsible Chemical Use & Handling

Wherever feasible we have removed harmful chemical compounds from our processes. Significant investment in plate-making technology means this process is now entirely chemical free. Where chemicals are still essential we ensure they are stored and disposed of responsibly through appropriately accredited suppliers. This includes the use of re-usable print cloths for cleaning, once used they are sent away to be washed, ensuring no unnecessary contaminated waste is sent to landfill.


We have worked with partners to source a range of green options for special finishes for both litho and digital printing processes. As laminates are generally plastics and can’t easily be removed from the paper they render both elements unrecoverable. Options include:

  • Biodegradable laminates for all processes

  • Laminate free high gloss finish for digital print

  • Laminate free high gloss, matt and soft touch finishes for litho print

Green Inks

All of our litho printing inks are green, even when they are cyan, magenta, yellow and black! Our litho inks are all manufactured using plant based oils, typically soy, offering the following benefits:

  • Reduced reliance on petroleum resources.

  • Fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) resulting in fewer toxic emissions during the printing process.

  • Easier recycling of manufacturing and post-consumer waste.

Eco Fleet

All company cars purchased since 2015 are, and will continue to be, either hybrid or electric, further reducing our fossil fuel consumption. For reasons of practicality our vans will remain diesel powered until viable alternatives present themselves, however we are committed to purchasing the latest Euro compliant standards wherever replacements are required.

Factory & Facilities

We are continually seeking to improve the energy efficiency of our facilities and do so in a sustainable manner. For example where lighting needs to be repaired (e.g. new bulbs) or updated we replace lighting in that section or department with LED units. Where new plant and machinery is needed the energy consumption plays a significant part in the decision making process.

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

In the factory and offices we encourage staff to consider the 3Rs in all aspects of their day-to-day duties to reduce our collective environmental impact and have recycling bins for waste paper and toner cartridges.

Environment Officer

Our staff committee includes an employee appointed non-board member rep to consider environmental factors. The committee lobbies the board with ideas, initiative and feedback which represent their particular area of focus, which the board will consider and approve wherever feasible. The environment officer has the opportunity to introduce campaigns to raise awareness and facilities to make operating in an environmentally considerate manner easier for all staff.


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